Join us in creating a new sewing ministry in Kikatiti, Tanzania

Recently I have been working with a church in Kikatiti, Tanzania to hopefully get a permeant and real structure built on their property. Along the way we are also trying to help their budding sewing ministry to help the ladies in the congregation to earn money as well as help contribute to the future building….

285 Students

Well 2024 has gotten off to a very fast start at Tumaini (Hope) Evangelistic Pre & Primary School in Kiruani, Tanzania. Before the school opened for the year we had 285 students registered and had to stop accepting new students to prevent overcrowding in the classrooms. This was roughly 15 more students than we expected…

2023 Year in Review

2023 saw Tumaini Evangelistic Pre & Primary School grow to 6 standard grades and 3 preschool classes with 240 students. We continued having morning devotions and Friday Bible classes. We continued to feed our 240 students 2 meals a day and bus in those more than a mile away from the school. We continued the Christmas gift program…

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth-Again

My favorite part of the school year-competitions and Christmas presents for the students and staff. A couple of years ago, I did pictures of all our kids missing their front teeth as they transition between baby and regular teeth. This year I noticed one of my big smilers was a little hesitant and finally got her to…

Bible Distribution

Last weekend I went to a different church than I normally to help distribute Bibles. This is a newer church (about two years old) that has a unique background. In Kiswahili it is called KANISA LA MLIMA WA MAJIBU TANZANIA which my best Translation is Mountain Church of Answers. It is located in Kikatiti, Tanzania…

Preschool Graduation 2023

Yes it is time for our preschool graduation ceremony again. The event was very much like last year’s a lot longer (3 hours) than a preschool student’s attention span. There at least was no speech about what they should study at college or what career they should hope for-they are just in preschool. The dance…

Ministry through Business

Yes, it has been a while since my last posting. Many of you know that I have been home getting some medical tests done to determine why I have been having horrible digestive issues for most of this year. What I have come to find out is that the medical business since the advent of…

Lots going on just not the internet all the time

It has been a while since I posted which is partly due to the lack of reliable internet whenever I sit down to load videos and photos on the various sites I need them. It is funny because the one video was to be a back up in case we did not have internet for…

More Happy Kids

As I get ready to head back for our third quarter of school, I wanted to share the rest of the happy kid pictures I had. I probably reposted a couple you have already seen but it is hard to remember which ones you have seen already or not so I figured no harm. Enjoy!


This episode is one of those I am at home in the USA and wondering what I should talk about. Well food is something I get asked about a lot both from the standpoint of what do I eat in Tanzania and what do I miss the most from the USA. To be honest that…